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Educational Opportunities

Inspiring folks to deepen their relationship with the natural world and introducing people to herbal medicine making in simple, engaging ways is one of my greatest joys in life.

I do this by:

  • my free weekly podcast, Plant Cunning Podcast where my partner Isaac and I interview herbalists, educators, astrologers, homesteaders, and all sorts of plant people on the magic of plants and the mysteries of nature

  • one on one consultations at a sliding scale $50-$100 an hour on herbal remedies, gardening, farming, weed/wildcrafting, running a small business, traveling, and more

  • leading donation based plant, fungi and garden walks

  • teaching live classes either online or in person. Pricing is always scale and I like to do group rates to make it affordable for all.


See the list below for some options of the things I like to teach. I'm also open to custom classes if you'd like me to research and share something you do not see listed.

Botanizing. Chanti taking notes on a pla


None on the books at the moment. Join the email list to be the first to hear about any classes coming up or email me to book a class.

Classes Available for Booking


Salve Making Demo

1 hour class

Participants will learn how to make salve, an oil based moisturizer for the skin in an interactive demo. Folks will learn how to adapt the salve to change the effects, such as creating a pain and inflammation reducing salve, a lip balm, or a first aid salve. We will cover common herbs used in salve. In person events, everyone will leave with a salve for an extra materials fee of $5.00.


Fire Cider Demo

1 hour class

Fire Cider is a spicy herb and root infused apple cider vinegar used as an immune tonic. It has been used throughout the ages to increase immunity, kickstart digestion, clear the sinuses and flavor foods. I love it as a salad dressing or marinade. Fire Cider is  easy and fun to make. Learn how to do it or be inspired by seasonal variations that we will explore.


Respiratory Support

1 and a half hour class

As an asthmatic, I've really explored the wide variety of herbs for supporting the respiratory system- whether for promoting a cough or suppressing one, opening up the airways, or expectorating, the herbs really can help. In class we will review the respiratory system, discuss different protocols for different symptoms including cold and flu management and have plenty of time for Q&A.

Motherwort and Sheila convening at Eastwind Commune in Missouri.jpg The Butter Bus enjoyed

Herbal Support for Menopause

1 and a half hour class

In this class we will discuss the important transition of perimenopause and menopause and herbs that can make the process smooth as butter. Learn about dietary, lifestyle choices and some notable herbs and fungi that can promote an easier transition. Although this culture offers up a lot of hype about menopause, people who are entering the menopausal years can be healthier, sexier, wiser, more active and motivated than ever in their lives. The shift in perception and the knowledge of how to address the symptoms that come up will empower  people to embrace these natural changes in their bodies with grace and ease. You'll leave class with some herbal allies to draw upon for support.

Let there be pesto every day! We have done a ramp pesto, garlic scape pesto, tulsi walnut

Home Herbalism

2 to 3 hour class

This is a two to three hour intensive on the basics of home herbalism. We will cover growing herbs, harvesting, wildcrafting ethics, incorporating herbs into your kitchen, how to tap into the rhythms of nature, tincture making (both folk and scientific method), some ways to make mushroom medicine and formulation. You be introduced or re-acquainted a few common wild plants and fungi and their main uses in herbal medicine. We won't get too into botany but I offer a few resources on where to learn more and plug in to crowdsourcing plant and mushroom identification. Bring your notebooks and calculators to class for the formulation section (and a nervine tea of choice if you are adverse to math like me). My goal is that you will leave class inspired to use herbs daily and to make your own herbal concoctions to know that the quality and love put in your products is on point (and cheaper than buying health and body products).

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Not Your Average Pesto

1 hour class

Pesto is a delicious Italian sauce or spread made from the tender Genovese Basil tops, fresh garlic, olive oil, parmesan and pinenuts. It's also expensive to purchase or make. I love making alternative green "pestos" or Green Sauce as I like to call them, with the plants that are wild and abundant around my yard and garden or readily available at the farmers market or grocery store. I explain how to use a core recipe for pesto/green sauce to work with as you experiment with different variations of plants and nuts. I offer some seasonal pointers on what to look for throughout the growing season here in the North East, however many plants will apply to other parts of the world. I love a nettle (pictured above) walnut pesto come spring.

EaseYourMind 3 options

Herbal Extracts: Tinctures, Glycerites, & Oxymels

1 and a half  hour class

In this class we will dive into how to make herbal preparations in a hands on demo. Come get your hands in the process for a live class or meet me online from your kitchen. Tinctures, or herbal extracts in alcohol are an excellent plant preparation for preserving the herbs, trees, roots, and fungi for years to come. We will compare the folk method of tincturing the scientific method and go through the steps of making tinctures both ways. Not everyone can use alcohol though, and we will discuss how to make alternatives to alcohol extracts as well focusing on using food grade vegetable glycerine, honey, and apple cider or red wine vinegar. Oxymels are an herbal extract in both vinegar and honey and are a fabulous way to get herbs into your daily by adding a splash of a fruit and herb oxymel to water or selzer for a delicious herbal drink.

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Herbal Heart Helpers

1 hour class

In times of sadness, grief and loss it can sometimes feel like there is no one or no where to turn for reprieve from the pain. It's times like these that I have learned to lean in on the support that the plants offer. I personally have benefited so greatly from the sweetness and strength offered by rose petals infused in glycerine. Just a few drops on my tongue when I am out of balance with grief or anxiety and my breath returns to normal, my heart rate slows, and my shoulders loosen. A few drops of Motherwort tincture makes me I feel like I've been hugged by a trusted friend. Hawthorn reminds me I am loved and to protect my heart. I want to share more about these plants and others who have profound healing potential for those of us with a heavy heart. 


Weedcrafting Through the Seasons

1 and a half hour class

Let's journey through the seasons in the Northeast USA together and see what we can forage on the way. I will highlight some of the common plants and mushrooms in the fields, forests, and hedges. This is a sensory experience that will help you to recognize and remember some of the many historical uses of these common plant allies. We'll talk about how to sustainably and responsibly wild harvest (shall we call it 'weedharvest' instead?) including plants that are best to appreciate and not harvest, how to harvest herbs and fungi to promote more growth, tools of the trade, and most importantly how to use our heart along the plant path. We can feed our bellies and our souls with the magic and nourishment of the natural world. You will leave class with recipes for some of my favorite wild dishes and recommendations of further reading or cookbooks on the subject.

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Some Past Events

Spirit of Spring Square Final Flier New Vida 2024.png

In Person Class in Jay, NY
Hosted by New Vida Preserve

Learn about common plants popping up now in local forests, fields & gardens & how to weave them into our diets & medicine chest. We'll walk the land & see what plants we can find. We'll take a deep dive into some plants, their constituents, how they interact with our body & some of the historical uses & lore of the plants of spring. We'll examine & taste freshly harvested plants. Come gather with other plant people to learn, have herbal tea & wild greens pesto too!

Free Class Coming Up

Culinary and Medicinal Herbs
Sunday June, 16th, 2024 at 1pm
124 W. Main St. Morris, NY

Join the Butternut Valley Garden Club and herbalist AC Stauble for a free workshop on the medicinal and nutritional value of common culinary herbs and wild plants that can be found in our yards here in Central New York.


Using herbs on the daily basis in our food and drinks can prime our bodies towards healing in subtle yet powerful ways. For example a touch of cinnamon or ginger to bring about better circulation with our dinner, fennel or cumin spice in our meals and peppermint or chamomile tea to encourage digestion and garlic, sage, oregano, thyme, rosemary to offer powerful anti-fungal and anti-microbrial actions.


We'll discuss growing and propagating some common herbs that gardeners may want to have on hand. AC will share some common wild plants (weeds) and how they can also be incorporated into the pantry and medicine chest.


Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food!


Plant Cunning Conference

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At AC's Farm!

The 2nd Annual Plant Cunning Conference is happening on the last weekend of July 2024  at AC's farm in central New York. She's gathered together some incredible speakers from near and far to inspire and educate local plant people, nature lovers and magical beings on things like herbal medicine, Italian folk medicine, divination, astrology.


We are thrilled to host earth elder and herbalist Pam Montgomery, botanist and herbalist 7Song, author and ethnobotanist Rebecca Beyer, herbalist and chiropractor Charis Lindrooth of BotanicWise, astrologer Mychael Bryan and many more.  The Hills and the Rivers band is going to entertain us Saturday evening with their folk family band. There's going to be plant walks and morning movement, ecstatic dance, and a ragtime jazz moctail hour hosted by Weathertop Farmacy with their award winning Blackberry Lavender Shrub.


You can see all the details at

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Spirit of Spring

Weathertop Farmacy, 6 Main St, Cherry Valley NY

Sunday, April 28, 2024



Explore the essence and herbs of springtime with community herbalist, farmer, and educator AC Stauble for an in person class at the Weathertop Farmacy.


AC will discuss some of the springtime activities, traditions, and archetypal elements of the spring season, especially in the Northeast US. You'll get to know some of her favorite plants that are beginning to appear here in Central New York like cleavers, chickweed, nettles, cutleaf toothwart, burdock root, yellow dock root and more with lovely pictures in the slide deck and some live plants if they are available at the time of class.


Suggested donation of $30. NOTAFLOF - No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds.

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Home Herbalism 101

Learn the basics of home herbalism with me from harvesting, drying, storing and processing herbs to making tinctures, formulas, and teas with some plant profiles of common plants all home herbalists should get to know.


Saturday May 21, 2022

11am to 1:00 pm EST


Register for a sliding scale price, from $0-$50

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In Person Class on
the foundations of Home Herbalism
Sun Dec 4th, 2022
12-3:30pm EST
at my farm

Get in Touch

Interested in a class? Email me at to inquire.


And be sure to sign up for my email newsletter to learn about upcoming classes and events.


I'm not gunna spam you, I write newsletters less than once a month.

Oh my goodness! So many herbs and flower

AC Stauble


Community Herbalist in

the heart of New York State

on Haudenosaunee Confederacy lands

in the town of West Edmeston

(near Cooperstown, NY)


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