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Traveling Herb Farmer is both a product line of high quality, hand made herbal remedies and a person, me, AC Stauble.
I am a community herbalist, farmer and adventurer.
When not farming in central New York you'll find me roaming the land stopping at farms, forests and fields, gathering abundant plants with care and sharing potent herbal products, tea and first aid along the way.
Helping people connect with nature is my purpose.
I do this by providing herbal products, workshops, plant walks,
and a free weekly podcast The Plant Cunning Podcast where I
interview inspiring & incredible herbalist, gardeners, mages,
astrologers and people wise to the ways of Nature.

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Certified Kitchen Guide
I will email you the detailed PDF of my Certified Kitchen Guide for free. Stay subscribed if you'd like to keep up to date with my less than monthly newsletters on my herbal remedies, herbal events, my travels, kitchen tips, wild/weedcrafting, medicine making, and of course, some drool worthy plant pictures. Un-subscribe easily at any time. No hard feelings.
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